Partner of the Week: World Vision Senegal

World Vision is a relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to empower children, families and communities to reach their full potential by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice. Over the past 30 years, the NGO has been delivering its programmes in Senegal.

World Vision Senegal started implementing the Aflatoun programme shortly after participating in Aflatoun’s third Regional Master Training in Francophone Africa. The event was the perfect opportunity for World Vision Senegal to gain an in-depth knowledge about the Aflatoun programme and its activities. Two trainers from the workshop were then tasked with implementing the Social and Financial Education programme within the Education and Life Skills projects. Within one year of piloting their Aflatoun programme, World Vision Senegal scaled the programme contributing to all of their education centres. The programme is targeting both children in formal settings and youth participating in entrepreneurship programmes.