Systems change

Integration of Social and Financial Education into the National Education Systems

Globalization demands learners to be adaptable and possess skills to navigate complex situations. There’s a global shift towards skills-based curricula, identifying essential competencies alongside traditional subjects. Consequently, governments are integrating social and financial education into national and regional curricula.

What is National Integration ?

It is the inclusion and mainstreaming of social and financial education content into the curriculum at the national or sub-national level.

Why National Integration?

Integration is both a means and an end: 

  • Integration is a means to expand access to education for all children and youth towards education for all. National governments are responsible for public education and have the broadest impact and reach. 
  • Integration ensures the sustainability of the provision of social and financial education either as a standalone or infused subject.
  • Financial education is a public good in nature, therefore initiatives by the non-profit and private sectors should ideally be coordinated or integrated into the national framework.

3 Approaches

Infused Integration: integrating SFE across multiple subjects.
In Togo, Aflatoun and local partner FESEN, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, recognized the imperative to integrate SFE at the national level. Through collaborative efforts with experts, it has been determined that SFE can be seamlessly integrated into various subject areas, including Social Education, Citizenship Education, Mathematics, and Technical Sciences. This strategic integration ensures a comprehensive approach to education, empowering students with essential life skills and knowledge for a successful future.

Combined Integration: Embedding SFE content is inserted into a single host subject.
In 2015, Aflatoun, in collaboration with local partner Samunnat and in consultation with the Curriculum Development Center, initiated efforts to integrate SFE into the education system of Nepal. Through a thorough analysis of the curriculum across all grades, it was concluded that integrating SFE within the subjects of Social Studies for Grades 9 and 10 would be most effective. This strategic decision allows for a cohesive approach to education, enhancing students’ understanding of both social and financial concepts for a more holistic learning experience.”

Dedicated Integration: Introducing SFE as a new subject area in the curriculum.
In Moldova, the integration of Social and Financial Education was successfully initiated in 2014-2015 through collaborative efforts between Aflatoun and two local civil society organizations. As a result, Social and Financial Education was formally incorporated into the curriculum as a dedicated (optional) subject for grades 5 to 9. This groundbreaking initiative provides students with the opportunity to delve into essential life skills and financial literacy, fostering a foundation for lifelong success.

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