Every year we grow our partnership network with governments across the world to integrate financial and social education in national curricula. Among such of our partners is the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Ukraine. Since our partnership started in 2016, they have been successfully implementing our Aflatot programme for preschoolers from 3 to 6 years old.
Our partnership
The goal of our partnership is to deliver quality social and financial education to all preschool children in Ukraine.
The early years of a child offer a unique opportunity to shape their development. In the Aflatot curriculum, three to six-year-olds gather the building blocks of social and financial literacy before they reach primary school. We believe children can freely express themselves through art and they should be considered equal members of the educational process. The current education system in Ukraine seeks ways to achieve that by creating a common socio-space of shared responsibilities of parents and teachers for increasing the quality of education in preschool age.
Goals and achievements
Within our partnership, MES developed methodological materials and organised the exchange of experience between project participants from different schools and regions. This attracted a large number of supporters to the project. In addition to that, an education portal was created for all project participants as a source of self-education and dissemination of pedagogical experience.
Interested in learning more about our partners? Read more in our Partner of the Week blogs.