Junior Achievement Zimbabwe is an NGO located in Harare, Zimbabwe, that is dedicated to youth, education and economic development. For the last 21 years, they have worked to foster social mobility and financial inclusion among Zimbabwean youth through financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship. They are focused on improving resource mobilisation and resource management through the strengthening of family structure and capacity. Their programmes are set to raise awareness on social status and upwards mobility from as early as 10 years of age. They have implemented group savings projects and are excited about the progress they have made in creating accessibility to financial literacy.
Partnership with Aflatoun
JA Zimbabwe has been Aflatoun’s partner since 2009. A staff member shared the motivation behind the partnership: “Aflatoun brings the savings component that was missing in our curriculum.” They use Aflatoun curricula to discuss the inner workings of the financial enterprise sector with their students, which offers them relevant tools they will need in order to successfully and independently navigate future markets. Like Aflatoun International, JA Zimbabwe are passionate about the importance of social and financial education. A co-worker emphasised its importance and impact on Zimbabwean communities: “social and economic education is meant to capacitate our young people with relevant economic skills to ensure high, accelerated, inclusive and sustainable economic growth. As well as socio economic transformation in development as the country moves towards an upper-middle income society by 2030.”