Association of Teachers working with Gifted Children, Russia

‘Association of Teachers working with Gifted Children’ unites teachers, providing them platforms for exchange of experience to work with gifted children. Moreover, the association develops educational and methodological materials applicable for the work with children to support their social and financial competencies. The Association works closely with the Academy of Public Administration of the Moscow region.

In 2015, the Association of Teachers and Aflatoun International became partners to implement and innovate social projects. Based on a pilot programme which included a 100 educational organisations from 6 regions in Russia, the Association of Teachers is working on the formation of the financial literacy programme. These educational organisations provide trainings for financial literacy as an addition to the educational programme, or they use it as additional education in form of club activities. The organisations participating in the project have developed various social projects, and thereby are successfully educating children the value of money and entrepreneurship.



Since 2016, the Association of Teachers have been organising international network research projects on financial literacy involving schoolchildren, teachers, and scientists from Bulgeria, Kazakhstan and Russia.

In 2018, the network project “Youth business – exploring opportunities” was implemented and was attended by more than 30 people.

Furthermore, the Association together with the Academy of Social Management of the Moscow region conducted 12 trainings and 20 seminars, trained more than 150 teachers of schools and pre-school educational institutions, and held regional and international conferences on the formation of financial literacy which was called “Financial literacy: expanding opportunities for socialisation of children and youth”.



An international competition called “Lessons of financial literacy” has been taking place every year since 2015, where teachers, who participate in the Aflatoun project, debate about methodological developments for teachers on the financial education for students.

This year the Association is going to expand the number of regions participating in the project.



To learn more about Aflatoun’s global social and financial education movement and how you can join us, click here.