Childfund Brazil

ChildFund Brazil has been working with Aflatoun International since 2013, implementing the Aflatoun and Aflateen Non-formal Education Programs with children who are at risk or vulnerable to Child Labour. The organization executes its mission through 45 partner organizations, of which 34 are running Aflatoun and 18 are working with Aflateen. All components of the non-formal program are used within the scope of work of ChildFund Brazil. The scope of work reaches 53 municipalities and 705 communities, in seven states of the country.

In addition to the two methodologies, there are 199 groups in Brazil, 4332 children and young people attended by 94 field educators (teachers). At least 95% of children and youth participated in all Aflatoun activities carried out by organizations in 2018, with an average participation of 50% of girls.

Childfund Brazil formed the Aflatoun Club in 2015. During the first three months, the complete training was carried out, and children experienced each module of Aflatoun and its fundamental principles. Each child in the group is a volunteer and everyone signs and commits to participate in the club, bearing in mind that it can be indissoluble, but that participation is free, being able to leave whenever you want. The first children who started that Aflatoun club still remains, meeting once a month.

The group itself is responsible for creating their projects and defining the theme that will be worked on during the year. Thus, the representatives of the club carry the demands for the coordination of the organization in accordance with the suggestions of all. The Aflatoun club holds three annual events, the first two in March, which are the Club elections to elect the representative commission. In that election they evaluate and the best proposals are chosen. After that, each Aflatoun member makes the renewal of the promise as a way to guarantee their volunteering during the year.

An 8-year-old girl who participates in an Aflatoun club in the state of Ceará, tells of her experience with the methodology:

“It is very good to participate in Aflatoun, because through it I can understand about social and financial entrepreneurship, I learn how to save and care for the environment, I participate in two groups, ballet and art and culture. savings and every end of the year we take a ride with the money saved. ”