Globally, an estimated 230 million children live in areas affected by armed conflict. They require a learning programme which supports social stability by fostering a culture of peace and prepare them for the developmental demands of their communities. Therefore, we developed Life Skills and Financial Education for Peace, which is based on the Aflatoun curriculum and previous experiences in Syria, South Sudan, DR Congo and the Balkans. The ultimate goal of this programme is to enhance the activity of children and young people as peacebuilders.

Whilst children are frequently the victims of conflict, they can also play a leading role in countering it. This manual will serve communities that are threatened by conflict, are experiencing conflict or are attempting to recover from conflict. It encourages children to reject stereotypes, stigmatisations and tribalism by celebrating the individuality and uniqueness of every person. Recognising the links between poverty, unemployment and conflict, it prepares the participants for the developmental demands of their communities by teaching them financial literacy. It enthuses and empowers them to stimulate local economies through the creation of micro- and small-enterprises. Job and wealth creation are powerful disincentives to conflict.

Pupils following the programme also gain critical thinking skills in order to analyse the underlying causes of conflict whether they be economic, social or political. No problem can be solved without first being understood. This unique programme fostering peace and community development is ready to be implemented in conflict zones and fragile settings, helping children and young refuges to (re)build their lives and communities.

For more information about our programmes, ask us a question through our contact page or send us a message to [email protected].