Aflatoun International’s curriculum is being integrated into national education systems across the globe. Last month, Aflatoun attended the launching ceremony of a new pre-primary school curriculum in Indonesia.
We are excited about this partnership with the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Indonesia because the process of establishing an agreement and adapting our curriculum to their local context has been a long time coming—with a successful outcome.
The Indonesia MOE has adapted Aflatoun International’s ‘Aflatot’ curriculum to its’ local context and will be testing it in five districts in West Java. After this testing stage, they hope to expand the curriculum across Indonesia.
During this trip, Aflatoun was also able to sign an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Wahana Visi Indonesia (World Vision International) and discuss partnership and broader areas of collaboration with: Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Credit Union Central of Indonesia (INKOPDIT), National Board of Indonesia Cooperatives (DEKOPIN), the Official: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Services Authority), the Embassay of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Indonesia and World Bank Indonesia (IFC).

For other potential partners who are interested in what collaboration with Aflatoun International looks like, we would like to reflect on our partnership process with the Ministry of Education in Indonesia.
The Advocacy Process: Looking Back
In 2016, Aflatoun invited representatives from the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Indonesia to attend the Aflatoun International Conference in The Hague — this is where our initial introductions took place. During this conference, participants were able to meet and engage with hundreds of people from around the world who are working on social and financial education practices.
Through attending this conference, the Indonesia MOE discovered the capabilities and reach of Aflatoun. Further, they asked us: “How can you invite hundreds of participants from around the world including many government partners to attend this conference?”