Defense Des Enfants International (DEI) is an organisation based in Burkina Faso. The mission of DEI is to empower young and vulnerable children and youth, especially young girls, through education, vocational training and employment. They provide a safe space where out-of-school girls, young mothers and others can share experiences and develop new skills to prepare for the future.
DEI also promotes girls’ right to education and employment and helps participants set up their own enterprises and prepare them for their reintegration in the community or school. This is important because there is a stigma around young mothers.
Our partnership
We started partnering with DEI in 2018. They launched our Aflateen+ curriculum. The Aflateen+ curriculum builds up social & financial skills but also covers sexual and reproductive rights and health.
“Aflatoun life skills and financial education curricula are critical for young girls, as they gain new skills on how to manage and budget their money. More importantly, Aflatoun curricula provides learners with skills that are relevant for their future such as self-confidence and awareness, communication skills and financial skills. Helping them to become more self-sufficient and more engaged in their communities,” said DEI staff member.
Creating a future
At an out-of-school centre, young women were learning to sew. After participating in the Aflatoun programme, they decided to start their own business together. They started their own sewing shop – selling things related to sewing. The group is collectively saving and has created a business that is helping their community.
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