Observa is a Mexican NGO that generates intervention strategies that strengthen community bonds and prevent violence in Mexico. They work to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development through intervention programmes. The organisation, implements all the components of the Aflatoun methodology, giving particular emphasis to the activities related to the Culture of Peace.
Observa and Aflatoun International have been working together for 3 years. In this time, they have achieved the implementation of the Aflatot, Aflatoun formal education, Aflatoun non-formal education and Aflateen programmes in Mexico City, State of Mexico and Veracruz.
The Aflatot programme was implemented with great success in “Casas Hogar” places that provide food, shelter, and care for economically disadvantaged, orphaned, abused or homeless children. The Aflatoun and Aflateen programmes were successful in public schools where it is integrated as part of their formal education and complementing the mandatory social and financial education topics for each grade level.
“I really like the Aflatoun programme because it makes us think about who we are, what we want and how we can achieve it.”
-Paula Ruiz, a participant in the programme
Through its’ partnership with Aflatoun, Observa has reached 2,325 children and young people from 13 communities in 3 states of Mexico. Additionally, they have trained 161 teachers and facilitators on the Aflatoun methodology.
The Aflatoun and Aflateen programmes were also implemented in a summer course, obtaining excellent results among the participants of the programme who have wanted to repeat the experience for three consecutive years.