Partner of the Week: Peace Power South Sudan

Peace Power South Sudan was founded two years ago and it has already successfully brought together over 200 young people (18-25 years old) from 15 schools across communities of conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. Their mission is to empower youth to become leaders through peace and financial education, conflict transformation and entrepreneurial skills.  

The unique aspect of Peace Power South Sudan is their relentless focus on young people and the contextualisation of all their programmes and curricula. They encourage young people to participate in important initiatives, such as their Financial Literacy Programme, and the Peace Power Camps for high school students, a two-week camp where youth from diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds learn about dialogue, conflict transformation and leadership.  


Our Partnership 

In 2020, Peace Power South Sudan started its partnership with Aflatoun to incorporate financial education as a core aspect of its programmes for recent high school graduates. Since then, they have been implementing both the Aflatoun and Aflayouth curricula.  

Peace Power South Sudan believes that Aflatoun adds value to the organisation’s work because the programmes are developed in a way that provide trainers with the means to measure the impact and success of their projects, through the use of certain metrics and reflection methods. In addition, Peace Power South Sudan believes that, through Aflatoun curricula, the students and graduates can understand the relationship between financial education and the social issues faced at a local level, therefore becoming drivers of change within their communities. 

10-week Fellowship Programme for 15 Ambitious Graduates 

In September 2020, Peace Power South Sudan embarked on a 10-week fellowship programme with 15 ambitious young high school graduates in Bor, South Sudan. The focus of the fellowship was financial education, entrepreneurial leadership and conflict transformation. The outcome was successful as Peace Power South Sudan was able to integrate aspects of Aflatoun’s curricula into their programmes, focusing in particular on saving, entrepreneurship and managing personal finances. The programme was completed with excellent presentations of Peace Power Projects, namely innovative solutions to overcome some of the challenges that the participants identified in their communities.