The Most Holy Rosary Multi-Purpose Cooperative was established in 1985 and is located in Rizal, Philippines. Their mission is to continually provide relevant and competitive programmes, products and services that address the economic, social and cultural needs of its members.

A key part of the work they do is ensuring that the next generation is ready to lead the cooperative in the future. Because of this, they have developed the Savers and Friendly Entrepreneur Laboratory Cooperative.


Partnership & impact

Our partnership with The Most Holy Rosary Multi-Purpose Cooperative started in 2017 and was the result of our partnership with NATCCO Network.

The Most Holy Rosary Multi-Purpose Cooperative uses our Aflatoun curriculum and as of February 2020, they have reached 8,911 children and youth. The participants have saved over 15,703,662 million pesos.

They have also trained 164 teachers in 32 schools in both elementary and junior high schools.


What people are saying

“I joined the Aflatoun programme because I wanted to save money to have a better future and I really wanted to help my parents.

Aflatoun helps me to improve in many ways, before I used to spend too much. But now, I am thought to be thrifty and value the money that my parents gave to me through their hard-work.” – Jim, Aflatoun participant

“What I love about the program is its effectiveness to inspire the children to be change makers, in their life and also in their community. The people that surrounds the children (parents and teachers) are also inspired by the programme’s mission. Thank you for bringing the fire of Aflatoun in Rizal, we promise to keep the fire burning. Aflatoun.” – Aflatoun educator.

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