Local Contextualisation of Aflatoun Curricula
Contextualisation is a key element of Aflatoun’s social franchise model. Aflatoun’s Social and Financial Education programmes are grounded in global research and designed in alignment with established competency frameworks, including OECD, UNICEF Green Skills, and CASEL. Aflatoun’s partners are empowered to further adapt the material, either to fit local circumstances or to complement their existing programmes.
In fact, regional and national versions of Aflatoun’s curricula have been created in 50 languages and have been adapted to complement programmes on diverse issues and local needs.
Unlocking the Potential of Young People in Cocoa Growing communities in Côte d'Ivoire

In Côte d’Ivoire, Hershey, INADES-Formation and Aflatoun work together to empower young people with social, financial and entrepreneurship skills. The aim is to build an economically viable future in their rural cocoa growing community as an alternative to urban migration.
A tracer study from 2023 found that four years after the start of the programme, the first group that participated was much more likely to engage in entrepreneurial activities than other youths. The participants of the financial literacy sessions had healthier financial behaviour and the impact was bigger among the female participants.
Scaling Social and Financial Education in Jordan
In Jordan, Aflatoun has multiple parallel partnerships in that aim to reach children and young people at scale. We reach vulnerable children, including refugees, with Finn Church Aid, Near East Foundation, Plan International Jordan and INJAZ.
With UNICEF and the Ministry of Youth, a Youth Entrepreneurship curriculum was developed and is being used in over 100 youth centres around the country. With INJAZ, the Ministry of Education, the Central Bank and the private sector, financial educaiton is also being contextualised and integrated into the national education system (grades 5-12).

AflaTeen Girls Clubs in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods in Brazil

The “Achievement Club” is an inspiring example of girls groups in Brazil that have started their own small business after learning entrepreneurship skills as part of the AflaTeen programmes implemented by Plan International Brasil, ChildFund and World Vision, in partnership with Aflatoun.
The girls meet regularly in a safe space with their peers and receive social support, information, skills building and mentoring. Using the AflaTeen material, peer educators help them build “protective assets”, such as self esteem, problem-solving abilities, confidence and social skills.
Education Clubs for Vulnerable Children in Minority Communities in Romania
The Policy Center for Roma and Minorities in Romania implements the Aflatoun curriculum for vulnerable chldren in Bucharest in the Ferentari region, which has a large Roma population.
The programme encourages young people to take charge of their lives, to be more aware of themselves and their surroundings, and be more comfortable communicating with their peers and adults. It does not only help children to realize their full potential but it also contributes to breaking the cycle of poverty and marginalisation that has affected the Roma community for generations.

Integrating Entrepreneurship Education in State Curriculum in India

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Development Programme (EMDP) has been implemented in Andhra Pradesh. Through an innovatine partnership between the Andhra Pradesh State Ministry of Education, local NGOs and Aflatoun, all children in grade 9 receive entrepreneurship education as part of the main curriculum.
In 2023, this system change approach ensured that more than 300.000 children in 5.000 schools were reached. Competitions at local, regional and state level allowed the students to demonstrate their innovative entrepreneurial ideas and concepts.
Skills Development Programme for Young Mothers in Tanzania
In Tanzania, adolescent mothers often have to drop out of school because of societal shame and they face several challenges when they want to re-enter public secondary education. This leads them to be excluded from formal education.
With the support of Mastercard Foundation, Aflatoun worked with Karibu Tanzania Education and 41 Fold Development Colleges, on improving the prospects of young mothers by delivering Life Skills and Financial Education through an alternative pathway into secondary school or to secure employment or allow them to start their own entrepreneurial activities.