What is Meaningful Youth Participation?
Youth’s involvement in civic life can be called meaningful when the youth are informed and have access to age-appropriate information on issues that matter to them, they are heard by people who care, they have influence and they have a safe space to be involved.
This all amounts to meaningful participation. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states that children and young people, as individuals or groups, have the right to:
Express their views freely in all matters that affect them
Have freedom of thought, conscience and religion
Form and join associations
Seek and receive appropriate information

Why is it important for youth to participate in decision making and civil society activities?
- A Human Right
- More Relevant Programmes and Imrpoved Services and Policies
- Enhanced Protection and Non-Discrimination
- Greater Capacities for Positive Youth Development
- More Effective Outreach
- Greater Accountabiulity